Saturday, November 15, 2008

November Thunder

She felt the energy on her ride home.
It was going to storm tremendously.
In about an hour.
Her blood stood up and answered and she wanted a midnight adventure.
Looking from the sullen ruby cloud ceiling and the lights over the bridge, she glanced down on the glittering parking lot and saw the werewolf walking at a distance.
The wind kicked up and the paper factory on the river glowed behind the trees.
“Florescent lights engage, blackbirds frying on a wire,” she hummed.
Vertigo was building up behind her eyes like a migraine.

1 comment:

Theresa Williams said...

I've got to get your blog listed on my bloglines feeds. I love the image of the river here. Thank you for your recent comment about my haiku. I love it that you sent my poems to your friend.